Saturday, April 08, 2006

About Yang-May Ooi, writing & publishing

FAQs about Yang-May Ooi, writing & publishing


What is the Malaysian-British connection?

I was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I now live in London, England. There is more biographical information on my books website at

I miss Malaysia the most for the food, the wonderful weather and the friendly people. I go back every so often to visit my parents and put on a lot of weight when I am there! I love London for the vast array of cultural activities just at hand - and the food is getting better bit by bit...

How did you get your books published?

When I finished writing THE FLAME TREE, I was lucky enough to have the choice of three agents and I chose the one I clicked with the best. She submitted the manuscript to 7 publishers and Hodder & Stoughton offered me a two book contract.

Where can I find out more about your books?

You can visit my books website at

How can I buy a copy of THE FLAME TREE or MINDGAME?

The second edition of THE FLAME TREE is a special edition brought out by Dalgarth Press for the South East Asian Literature Course at Nanyang Technical University, Singapore. This means that the book is also available direct from or via any other online book website, or by placing an order at your local bookshop.


How do I go about getting my book published?

First, finish writing it. It is very rare for agents and publishers to take on a writer with no track record without a finished product.

Then, get the latest copy of The Writers Handbook - it has an up to date guide about finding an agent and the whole publishing process. Follow their suggestions. In general for a novel, you would usually need to submit a synopsis with the first three chapters to an agent. If the agent takes you on, they will then work to find you a publisher.

It is not generally recommended for novels that you approach a publisher direct. I don't recommend it either. I don't know what the protocol is for non-fiction or technical books.

Will you read my manuscript?

No - unfortunately, I am busy with my own writing, this blog and my day job. However, see below if you want some professional feedback on your work.

How can I get some professional feedback on my manuscript?

In the UK, there are experienced book industry editors and writers who offer editorial and feedback services for a fee. Look in the literary / writing magazines for their ads. I am not in a position to recommend one over another so you'll have to do some research. In future "editions" of this blog, I may investigate some of these professional editorial services so check back on the blog or subscribe so you won't miss this useful information

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